Website Statistics & Analytics Tracking

Any website owner will tell you that knowing how your website is performing is essential.

As a business or organization, you need to know what on your website is working and is not working and what you should do to help ensure your website is a “must see” for all online traffic. The only way you are able to do that is through web statistics or analytic software.

At Oklahoma Web Media, we use the very popular and very powerful Google Analytics. It is a great analytics package available for website owners. By using Google Analytics we are able to look into all your website statistics and see all the breakdowns necessary to identify all visitors to your website.

While doing all this can be time consuming for you, we can work with you in helping you understand the tracking of visitors and keyword performance.

Here are just a few of the benefits of using Google Analytics:

  • We track all your online campaigns, including email and keyword campaigns. With the information we provide, you can optimize all your campaigns to ensure they hit the targets you are looking for.
  • We show you where your website visitors are coming from. It can be quite difficult to figure out how visitors came to your website. By using Google Analytics, we are able to see which links, pages, and keywords are popular when it comes to bringing in visitors to the website.
  • We show you what campaigns are successful and you should keep. Google Analytics provides information about all search engine optimization campaigns being run. With our help, you can determine which campaigns work and which campaigns do not work.
  • We show you how to produce much better content. With all the data we get with Google Analytics, we can show you all the pages that need work and which ones need some fixing up. Sometimes all you have to do is add some higher ranking keywords.

Ready to discuss web analytics and statistical tracking?  Feel free to contact us online or call us at 405-227-0575 today!

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